Tag: classics of Chinese medicine
Medicine of the Han – Part 4 – The Secrets Inside the Golden Chamber
Chronic, debilitating, progressive conditions like arthritis, left ancient doctors perplexed. It wasn’t until the end of the Han Era that the solution was found.
Medicine of the Han – Part 3 – The Code in the Classics
When writing a medical classic that is to be used to heal, but contains knowledge that could also be used to for profit and manipulation, you have to be pretty darn careful who reads it.
Medicine of the Han – Part 2 – The Birth of the Classics
In the second century BCE, the Chinese united under a single clan known as the Han. The Han Dynasty produced incredible advances in the sciences, technology, the everyday life of China, and in none more so than in the field of medicine.
Medicine of the Han – Part 1 – Sages and Physicians
The Gilbert Clinic is an acupuncture practice whose principles are Han Chinese in nature and in practice. In The Gilbert Clinic Blog, we will look at why the medicine of the Han physicians has become critically important in modern America. We will be telling a story of time and wealth, of power and bad haircuts.…